Photo by Kid Circus.


Childhood is often portrayed as a time of innocence, laughter, and boundless joy. Yet, for some, it can be a time of confusion, loneliness, pain, and emotional scars that linger into adulthood.

Childhood relational trauma is a silent struggle that many individuals face. Still, it’s essential to understand that learning to navigate the impact of past difficult experiences is possible and, above all, your birthright. Perhaps life’s intrinsic process is to free ourselves from the effects of old conditions and struggles.

A trauma-informed psychotherapist can facilitate exploring the profound impact of childhood relational trauma on adulthood. Trauma therapy can offer hope for those on their journey toward growth and a more mindful life. We are not responsible for the trauma and painful circumstances we experienced growing up; however, we are responsible for caring for those experiences’ effects on us today.

What are some of the roots of childhood relational trauma?

Childhood relational trauma encompasses a range of experiences where the relationship with the primary caregivers is disrupted. Those ruptures in the relationship and bonding often happen because of neglect, abandonment, or abuse. Other times, minor or repetitive mishaps and dysfunctional family relationships can create emotional wounds over time. These early emotional injuries can disrupt our capacity to develop healthy connections with ourselves, our bodies, others and the world around us.

It often occurs within the family unit or other significant relationships, leaving lasting imprints on a person’s psyche. These early experiences can shape one’s self-perception, emotional regulation, and ability to form healthy relationships in adulthood.

What are some of the lingering effects of developmental trauma?

Childhood relational trauma can lead to profound emotional wounds, including low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and, in some cases, complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). These emotional scars can persist into adulthood, affecting most aspects of a person’s life.

Those who experience childhood relational trauma may struggle to trust others, as their early experiences may have taught them that the people they should have relied on for love, safety, and support were unreliable, emotionally distant, highly critical or even harmful. This can hinder their ability to form deep, meaningful connections as adults.

Most children develop survival strategies that help them adapt to the difficult conditions in their homes, especially when they feel left alone to deal with big and confusing emotions. Some examples are becoming overly self-reliant, spacing out, excessively compliant, perfectionism, avoiding communicating feelings, lacking empathy, etc.

When those coping strategies developed at a younger age perpetuate into adulthood, they become unhealthy coping mechanisms to cope with the pain. These coping strategies may provide temporary relief but ultimately perpetuate the cycle of trauma.

The trauma experienced in childhood often echoes in adult relationships. Some people may unconsciously recreate toxic dynamics or withdraw from intimacy to protect themselves from further hurt.

Finding hope and moving forward.

Seeking professional help is a crucial step toward healing from childhood relational trauma. Therapists trained in trauma-focused approaches can guide individuals on their journey to reclaiming their sense of self-agency and inner harmony.

Learning to be kind and forgiving toward oneself is essential. Many of my clients blame themselves for the childhood trauma they endured. Hence, it’s crucial to recognize that they were not at fault and they wisely did their best to live through challenging circumstances.

As adults, it’s essential to work on building healthy relationships based on trust, communication, and mutual respect. This may require patience and practice, which is achievable for most people.

Incorporating mindfulness practices and self-care into daily life can help individuals move through their emotions and reduce anxiety and harmful habits. Developing a solid and reliable social and intimate circle, exercising, walking, meditation, yoga, caring for a pet, listening to or playing music, and journaling, among many others, can be immensely beneficial.

Moving forward and building a sense of agency over creating a life closer to what matters to us may take time, and it’s a lifelong process. Transformation is possible, and the unwanted scars of the past can become a source of strength, wisdom and resilience in adulthood.

Embracing our inner strengths and vulnerabilities involves radical self-honesty and knowing when to seek help. Our future self will thank us for it.