Counselling and Therapy Services for Men

Mental Health Support and Counselling for Men

Virtual and in-person male counselling services

Most men face unique pressures and expectations about success that can be challenging to navigate. From a very young age, men are taught to be stoic and self-reliant. It is important to us to support young males and men in addressing their mental health issues and leading a more fulfilling life.

Meet our therapist

Brent Jarden, MSW, RSW, has over twenty years of experience working with young and adult men. Brent’s approach is tailored to support men seeking therapy to feel comfortable expressing vulnerability and more equipped to take charge of their mental health and well-being.

How can therapy for men and men’s issues help?

Brent creates personalized sessions focusing on your needs and goals. His approach aims to help clients thrive in some aspects of life by providing specialized support to men’s unique needs to embark on a journey towards better mental health and well-being.

Most common issues men are likely to address in therapy

Depression and Anxiety

Even when men are as likely as women to experience mental health and mood issues, it’s more challenging for men to seek help.

Relationship issues

Most men’s difficulties with relationships are anchored in their struggle with opening up about their feelings, communicating needs more clearly, and with intimacy.

Fatherhood challenges

The impact that fathers and father figures can make is substantial. Understanding family legacy, particularly the male client’s relationship with the father. Identifying the positive aspects fathers want to pass on to their children and how to avoid repeating negative aspects of their upbringing are issues likely to be explored in therapy.

Work and career issues

Many men seeking therapy struggle to find harmony between work and personal life. Stress and burnout can be signs of not finding meaning and purpose through work and a distorted understanding of success.

Coping skills

Many men feel the pressure to suppress their emotions, which can lead to frequent mood swings, outbursts, aggression and an overall sense of loneliness. Men are more likely than women to turn to self-medication with drugs or alcohol to cope with stress, anxiety or depression.


Frontline health workers, law enforcement workers, and those who serve or have served in the military are at risk of experiencing trauma-related mental health issues that can significantly impact daily life.

Contact Us!

If you are interested in our mental health therapy services for men or have any questions, please contact us or fill out the form below.

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